Showing Our Appreciation For Our Nurses

Everyone at Beaumont Manor came together to celebrate International Nurses' Day on the 12th of May. We wanted to show our appreciation for our Nurses' hard work and dedication, so we did a number of things to show how much we appreciate them. Our residents and staff wrote personal thank you notes which were read out to our nurses. It was wonderful to hear all the lovely things that were said about nurses as a group and as individuals.

Our nurses also did a presentation on why they chose the vocation of nursing, and we learnt that our nurses have 200 years of experience between them. Our chef made a beautiful celebratory cake that the residents, staff and nurses enjoyed. Each of our nurses was also given a gift voucher to say thank you.
We try to incorporate celebratory occasions as often as possible, designed to benefit our staff and residents, as well as reward those who have made a significant impact on our residents' lives. If you would like to learn more about our care services or are interested in booking a home visit, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team today.
If you are a Nurse with years of experience and looking to progress your career, take a look at our Clinical Deputy Manager vacancy on our careers page.