Residents With Flowers

Beaumont Manor in Bloom

One of last week's activities at Beaumont Manor involved flower arranging where a local florist came to the home and gave some of the residents a lesson on how to arrange flowers. Each resident made their own bouquet and helped make a large bouquet for the home as a beautiful centrepiece to be admired by everyone.

flower arranging

Residents were heavily engaged in the activity as they concentrated on perfecting their arrangements, a wonderful floral aroma filled the atrium where the flower arranging took place.

With the help of the florist, staff and residents, an array of pink and purple flowers and green shrubbery were added to create a stunning floral tree arrangement which now takes pride of place on the home's bar within the atrium.

flower arranging

Residents were delighted with how their masterpieces turned out and it's clear that our residents are naturals at flower arranging! Residents can now enjoy their bouquets of flowers in their rooms or give them to a loved one.

As floral arranging and gardening activities are always a big hit with a majority of our residents, we will be sure to provide similar activities both inside the home and outside in our garden. This is also the perfect opportunity for residents to get out and enjoy the sunshine during the upcoming warmer months, and when the flowers will be in full bloom.

If you would like to learn more about the activities we provide or our care services, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team today who will be thrilled to assist you.

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